From repairing leaky faucets to washing the exterior siding, it is easy to see how some homeowners become overwhelmed with all the maintenance necessary to protect their investment. Fortunately, landscape design is one task that offers enormous benefits. Of course, knowing which plants to install where and how to maintain them can be difficult. Since the azalea shrub is a durable and attractive option, many homeowners do utilize these plants in their landscape design. With this guide, you will learn the best techniques to plant and care for your azalea plants.
Most people will have a section of their yard in mind when purchasing plants. However, if you do not have an area in mind, make sure to choose a location that receives a combination of morning sun and daytime shade.
It is also important to take the size of your azalea shrubs into account because some varieties grow tall and wide. For example, some Southern Indian hybrids can grow up to 8 to 10 feet tall. If you are planting one of these azaleas, make sure there is sufficient space between each plant.
Azaleas do not require an excessive amount of water, but they do require moisture when temperatures are higher. Install these plants in well-drained soil to ensure they receive adequate amounts of water.
Dig a hole a few times the size of the azalea's root ball. Then, use your hands to massage the base. This will loosen the roots, helping them establish into the soil.
Surround the shrub with nutrient-rich shrub soil and either pine straw or mulch. Then, water the plant and surrounding material thoroughly.
While your azalea is establishing itself and growing, you will need to continually water it. Azaleas absorb moisture through their leaves, so make sure to water the foliage as well as the base and surrounding soil.
Each spring, add new mulch or pine straw to the area around your azalea plant. Before the flowers begin to bloom in the early part of spring, fertilize the azalea plant using a slow-release fertilizer designed for flowering shrubs.
Pruning your azalea is not usually necessary unless you notice some branches are browning or growing haphazardly. Use sharpened pruning shears to trim off these branches during the last weeks of winter before new growth begins. Never prune your azalea in the summer or fall season, since this can stunt the shrub's growth.
The azalea is a colorful plant that will stand the test of time in your landscape design. This guide will help you install and maintain the beautiful and valuable azalea shrub.