When you think about moving into a new home, you might think about things like hiring a moving company to help you get everything moved into your new home. You may not have thought about hiring a landscaping designer, but doing so can be a good idea. These are a few reasons to hire a local landscaping designer before or just after moving into a new home.
1. Ensure You're in Line with HOA Regulations
For one thing, if you move into a neighborhood that has a homeowners association, there might be certain rules that you have to follow in regards to your local HOA. A good landscaping designer who is from the area might already know about the rules in your new neighborhood. If not, you and your landscaping designer can look over the rules together, and your landscaping designer can help you ensure that your new property is set up in line with these HOA regulations.
2. Make Your House Feel Like Home Right Away
Another good reason to hire a landscaping designer when moving into a new home is so that you can make your new house feel like a home right away. If you are greeted by dead grass and a lack of nice, mature plants when you come home each day, you might not really feel "settled in" to your new home. If you work with a landscaping designer to put in nice, mature plants that you like and enjoy, however, you can help make your new home something to be proud of and something that you are proud to come home to.
3. Set Yourself Up for Success
When moving to a new home, it's important to make sure that your landscaping is set up in a way that you can take care of it. You might not be familiar with the soil and the plants that thrive in your new area, particularly if you have made a long-distance move, but a local landscaper can help you ensure that your landscaping is done in a way that it will be fairly easy to take care of. Then, you can help ensure that your new lawn always looks great, even if you don't exactly have a "green thumb."
As you can probably see, there are a number of reasons why it can be a good idea to hire a local landscaping designer when moving into a new home, particularly if you are moving to a new city or town. Luckily, if you work with a good landscaping designer, they can help you set up a yard that you can enjoy, take care of fairly easily and be proud of.